Friday, July 16, 2010

Internet Television is Killing Podcasting

Examples are "Meet the Press" and "Nightline." There are also instances of unedited Television shows used verbatim for Podcast. An example is "The Afternote," a political newsletter Podcast of juicy sound bites. Several electronic media houses have recorded success stories with a mixture of news stories specially designed for podcasting.

And as should be expected, individuals started producing audio summary of films, plays, drama, comedy etc in Podcast formats, which they host on their websites or blogs for free listening by their visitors. This development brought about Podcasting, audio only versions of Television programming which are now common on the Internet. Audio Television, as the innovation became known, did not become as popular as the real television, but it has not gone away either, because listeners felt as if they watched a particular television program each time they listened to its audio; and because you could follow the audio of a television program, see the pictures in your minds eyes without the distraction you would normally experience if you actually view a television program while engaged in any work.

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