Friday, July 16, 2010

LCD Televisions

Though multiple styles and variations of LCD technology exist, they all use the same basic ideology; the clear screen imaging is produced through controlling the polarization of the light source. Liquid crystals align themselves in groves throughout the screen, producing a clearer, and better contrasted video image. Using cold cathode fluorescent lamps or LEDs at the back of the screen, LCD technology works by selectively filtering a white light to produce colored images. The operation technology of LCD televisions floors the majority of competitors.

Due to increases in manufacturing techniques and technology, producing these units are much cheaper compared to CRT televisions, which have considerably more parts and require more labor to be constructed. Manufacturing cost play a large role in the LCD domination of the market. LCD technology allows televisions to be made thinner and lighter, unlike CRT units of comparable screen-size, and can also come in larger sizes, making them more marketable to a wide variety of consumers. When comparing LCD televisions to older CRT based technology, there is a huge skew in efficiency and performance between the two.

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