Monday, July 12, 2010

Television Should You Buy

LCD television screens the bathroom or kitchen) you will want to consider the lcd variety. On the other hand if you are looking for a quality television for smaller purposes (i.e. At that size you may as well consider purchasing a high definition projector setup.

Some plasma screen manufacturers are producing screens that are 103 inches in size. Plasma televisions are typically only available in sizes bigger than 32 inches. When selecting a flat screen television you need to consider the ranges of sizes for each of the two kinds of products, plasma and lcd. Also, plasma television sets are more fragile in transportation so take that into consideration when purchasing a television with or without a product warranty.

LCD televisions typically weigh less than Plasma screens at the same comparable size. After that time the bulb will be working at half the efficiency as a new bulb. Plasma typically will last 30,000-60,000 hours of operation before the bulb will go out. Often the cost of replacing a LCD screen bulb can be more than the cost of replacing the entire television set itself.

Another issue is the bulb replacement cost. Bright images may "burn" and spot on the screen and may be bothersome. One issue to think about is the image "burn-in" on plasma television screens. Making a wise decision is very important in the consumer purchasing process. You could want a projection television for your living room and a plasma screen in your bedroom.

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